Information for english reading visitors
These pages are dedicated mostly to jet engines. I describe some engine types, I also describe some parts of jet
engine theory or history. But this topis is so wide, so it wil engine theory but it is so wide topic, so it will take a time to work it
Now about language. I'm not going to translate whole web to the English
at this time. Probably also not in near future. Only thing I
can do is to make a simple dictionary which would help you understand
some words. I hope you will appriciate it and will like nice but hard
learning czech language :-)
Engine's technical parameters |
Czech |
English |
typ |
type |
zdroj |
source |
délka |
length |
průměr |
diameter |
hmotnost |
mass, weight |
průtok vzduchu |
air flow |
obtokový poměr |
bypass ratio |
celkové stlačení za VTK |
overall pressure behind hi-pressure compressor |
teplota plynů před turbínou |
turbine inlet temperature (TIT) |
teplota výstupních plynů |
outlet/exhaust gas temperature (OGT/EGT) |
tah |
thrust |
specifická spotřeba paliva (SFC) |
specific fuel consumption |
maximální (tah, SFC, ...) |
maximal (thrust, SFC, ...) |
forsáž, přídavné spalování |
afterburner, augmented thrust |
cestovní (tah, SFC, výška, rychlost, ...) |
cruise (thrust, SFC, altitude, speed, ...) |
Engine's construction |
Czech |
English |
dmychadlo |
fan |
vrtule |
propeler |
nízkotlaký kompresor (NTK) |
low pressure compressor |
vysokotlaký kompresor (VTK) |
high pressure compressor |
prstencová spalovací komora |
annular combustion chamber |
hořák |
burner |
trubka |
tube |
zapalovač |
ignitor |
vysokotlaká turbína (VTT) |
high pressure turbine |
nízkotlaká turbína (NTT) |
low pressure turbine |
komora přídavného spalování |
afterburner chamber |
prodlužovací roura |
jet pipe |
tryska |
nozzle |
skříň náhonů |
gearbox |
ložisko |
bearing |
vstup |
inlet |
výstup |
outlet |
Measures |
Czech |
English |
International system |
US system |
délka |
lenght |
0.3048 m |
1 ft |
vzdálenost |
distance |
1.609344 km |
1 mile |
vzdálenost |
distance |
1.852 km |
1 nm |
hmotnost |
weight |
0.45359 kg |
1 lb |
tah |
thrust |
0.45359 kp |
1 lbf |
teplota |
temperature |
°C |
°F |
síla (tah) |
force (thrust) |
1 kp = 9,80665 N |
Huge English - Czech dictionary is here: http://slovnik.seznam.cz
There are two
choises for you: angličtina > čeština (English to Czech) or čeština > angličtina
(Czech > English)
If you find words which would be useful to translate here, just contact me.
Really helpful is the new Google Translator on http://translate.google.com
which newly translates also from/to the Czech language.
Last update: 13. 4. 2006
If you have any suggestions or find mistakes, please contact me
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© Zdeněk Kussior